Monday, September 29, 2008

Triathlon results

I did much better at the triathlon than I expected- 269 out of 774, and I cut 50 minutes off my previous time on a similar-distance triathlon.
This motivates me to start training for a traditional-distance triathlon! The bike and run portions are about double the length, but the swimming (the hardest part for me) is quadruple. Still, a worthwhile goal.


Guera! said...

That's great! YOu must be in good shape!

Io said...

50 minutes! That is awesome! Go you - I'm glad it's motivation to keep working.

hopeyg said...

Wowzers T. 50 minutes better.

Love ya,

Echloe said...

Good for you. {{{Virtual pat on the back.}}}

Hope2morrow said...

You are one amazing woman. You go, girl!

Faith G said...

50 minutes is major- I'm impressed.