Monday, July 14, 2008

Birth Control

I haven’t been keeping track of my cycles, but I usually have a vague idea of when my period will start. Last Sunday, I suddenly went from very happy to very unhappy in the space of a few minutes for no good reason, and this is always a sign that my period will start in exactly four days. However, when my period didn’t start as expected, I began to wonder just how long it had been since my last cycle, and could I possibly be pregnant? This did not excite me. I have wondered that many, many times during the past several years, and I never have been pregnant. I successfully resisted the urge to calculate the due date.

Was this lack of excitement because I have been let down too many times, or because I finally got my life together and moved on?

I finally remembered the white pants that I was wearing the day my last period began, and realized that I still have one week to go.

I really enjoyed this entry from The Road Less Travelled about living childless and the birth control question: The Unspoken Question About Childfree Living


loribeth said...

I'm flattered!!

Io said...

That's a really good entry - obviously our situation is different, but when we found out our cause of infertility (absolutely NO chance for a surprise) it was nice to not have that hope every month.
I don't really keep close track of my periods, so every once in a while I get confused about when it's coming.

Hope2morrow said...

I prefer to know exactly when it is coming... and I love birth control because then my endometriosis isn't as painful.